Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Be the window

"When God closes a door, He opens a window."

A saying we are all familiar with. Perhaps a little too cliche for my taste, but still, a simple example of an exciting thing that God does for us. 

We all make plans. We plan our days starting with  setting our alarm clock. We plan our route to work. We plan our meals, weekend chore list, and even our futures. 
But life has a funny way of changing our plans. 

Perfect example in my life is marriage and children. They were not in my plans. Very few people actually know this. If you would look at me now, you would never know that I had a different agenda. My plan was to go to nursing school, get my degree, get a one way ticket to Africa and never return. I wanted to do medical missions and do it forever. Marriage did not entice me. I felt like I didn't need it or desire it. And there is no point thinking about kids. I mean, I'm not getting married, so...

But God's plans were different for my life. He put obstacle after obstacle in my way and then, He introduced Peter to me. Well, all plans went out the door and new plans began to form. Plans of marriage. Then children. And here we are, eleven years later with three beautiful little girls. And I can't imagine doing anything else. 

You see, my plans are not always His plans. And when I finally accept that, then happiness comes along and things begin to unfold. 

Sometimes, our plans may be the same as God's but the way those plans are executed, well, that is a whole different story. 

Step in Jeremiah and Baruch. 

Jeremiah was a prophet, preaching a message that not many people liked to hear. He was telling the people of Israel that because of their sins, they would be taken captive by Babylon and their city burned. Well, the King Jehoiakim did not like this. And I think it's safe to say, he didn't like Jeremiah. The prophet had been banned from the temple and was kind of in a semi-hiding. But God's Word continued to come to him. What should he do? The door of preaching had been shut for Jeremiah. 

Enter the window: Baruch.

Jeremiah saw the opportunity of God's Word to still be proclaimed by having Baruch, a good friend, write down the words and read them to the people  for Jeremiah. Baruch was not given the gift of prophecy, but he was willing to be used by God. To be the open window to the great plan. 

How is this even relevant to me? 

God has shut many doors in my life. But through prayer, I knew that His plan was still the same, just the delivery. So I popped open a window, and climbed right out. 

God's plan is for me to raise my children in the admonition of the Lord. To love them, teach them, and equip them for life. It would have been easier going out the door, (AKA, no cancer), but that was not what He wanted. I want to keep doing what He desires, it just may require a little flexibility and maneuvering.

The same is for His purpose in serving outside of my family. I used to do nursery at church, teach children's church, and be involved in many different ways. It's hard now that I can not commit to anything, due to Molly's health.  At times I have felt useless. But then, God's window is opened and I realize I am still serving others, just in a different way. 

I may not be able to teach a Bible lesson to the kids, but I have been able to meet so many new people that I cherish and pray for on a daily basis. I can pray. And that is where my ministry is right now. 

Perhaps this is all discombobulated and makes no sense whatsoever. But I guess what I am trying to say is that God is so good to keep carrying on His plan even when it becomes more difficult. Nothing can stop Him from accomplishing His goals, so why not be the one used to do so? Even if it is difficult to execute.

1 comment:

  1. You are being used, Julie, in more ways than you'll probably ever know.
