Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Eleventh Hour

The Eleventh Hour has come. We stand here, looking at the moment that we really have dreaded since the very night we heard the word "terminal".

I've played different scenarios in my head, but there really was no way of knowing what this would look like. 

When Molly took a turn for the worse a few days ago, we were scared because of how things were going. Anxiety, irritation, and no relief. Peter even said that if this is what the end would look like, how cruel. 

But now all is quiet and calm. She sleeps soundly, looking perfect as she rests. Peaceful, really. 

I don't put too much stock in dreams, but God gave me the most beautiful gift last night by way of dream. I was looking down at Molly sleeping and she was having the most beautiful conversation with Him. It was clear as day. I once again heard her voice. But not the voice we have heard of late, slow speech and slurred.  It was her old self, healthy and happy. She spoke to Jesus about heaven and what it would be like. She was excited and happy. 

Yes, this is sad and hard. But I am also so looking forward to the thought of her being ushered to heaven by angels and taking her first breath at the foot of Jesus. No more cancer. No more pain. No more struggle. Just pure, unadulterated bliss. She's going to be happy forever. 

Maybe, when I meet her in heaven, she'll take me by the hand and show me all the things she's been doing. I know for sure the first stop after meeting our Lord and Saviour will be where the lions are. :)


  1. May the Lord meet you, right now, at this moment, with His amazing grace.

  2. The lord is right now with Molly and looking after her.She has been an amazing influence on so many peoples life and we all love her.Love and prayers.

  3. The lord is right now with Molly and looking after her.She has been an amazing influence on so many peoples life and we all love her.Love and prayers.

  4. There is no greater love than the lords....sending love and hugss to your family!

  5. Praying for all of you. Your blog is honoring the Lord. Just what we should do even in the hardest of times. Praising God with you for his grace to finish well this chapter in your walk with Him

  6. What a beautiful dream, what a wonderful promise to you and your family. God bless you!

  7. Truly the love of Christ, which goes beyond knowledge, comforts your hearts with a glimpse of heaven.

  8. Beautiful...Upon that predetermined time, you will remove Molly's hand from yours and place it in Jesus hand...(make sure you have a plaster mold or painted hand print of Molly's to place with her sisters) Love you guys so much!

  9. Amen! That'll be my first place I go to😀 (lions). My heart hurts, but I know that His will be done. I continue to be in prayer for your family. Though I never got to meet her, she's a beautiful girl and I'll never forget how she touched my life.

  10. You are His daughter, and your husband His son, in you both He is well pleased. He will cherish Molly as the perfect gift she is and will continue to be. Sending prayers for peace and comfort beyond our understanding.
