Friday, October 17, 2014

The Warrior within

"I am woman. Hear me roar!" This expression makes me laugh. It's true that women are tough. Everyone has to be in this life. It's truly a battle. Just fighting against our own bodies is exhausting. The alarm goes off and your eyes just will not open. You finally do arise and your back is tight, your knees creak, and your head is screaming, "GO BACK TO BED!!" You have only been awake for 5 minutes and already you are battling your mind and body.

This battle continues throughout all our days. I don't know about yours, but I know that in our home, it's intense. And so many times, I find myself drowning in the "blood and gore" that I encounter. The constant needs, the demands, the interruptions, it's just too much to bear at times. I flounder. Beginning to feel wronged in some way that I have to deal with all that life throws at me, I take it out on my family. I'm not a screamer. Never was. Never will be. But the snark, the mean looks, the sharp tone all add up to, "Mom is mad. You better watch out."

What I fail to remember is what Ephesians says:

"Finally, brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." ~Ephesians 6:10

Last year I did a word by word study on Ephesians and this familiar text looked so different to me. When you read the original text, it's really saying to be strengthened with/by the Lord. It's not saying that God will help you find your inner strength. It's not saying that YOUR "roar" will come out. No. It's saying that our Master, the one who owns me forever and always because He purchased me with His blood on the cross, He will be the one to supply the strength. He will fight this battle for me.

"He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief: but was strong in faith, giving glory to God." ~Romans 4:20

So why won't God just give us our own strength? Better yet, why isn't it just easy? Why does our family have to endure this battle? Why does Molly have to go through all this pain? The answer is right in that verse..."giving God the glory".

It's easy to be a polished up Christian when things are going great. We smile and look all nice at church. But when we have to get down in the trenches, that is when faith is tried. And I so desperately want to come out of this life hearing that God was pleased because all glory went to him. We were not seen. Only He was. His goodness. His grace. His mercy.

So as my day begins and I begin to think how hard this battle is, I am reminded that my strength (very little that it is) is not even needed today. Only His. My only job is to allow His strength to shine through and to let Him be praised for it.

1 comment:

  1. Julie, I love this! You did an excellent job of communicating the message in such a way it hits the heart of this mom. My heart was blessed by your wisdom that it all rest on our Lord to include strength.

    LOL we have a houseful of children how many times would such wisdom help me instead of depending on my own strength.

    Not long ago I literally and gladly accepted this verse, " If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small." Proverbs 24:10

    Yep, I have finally ran out of my own strength, fainted (yes even for real) because of a family issues we faced. I have finally gave in and confessed to my Lord after almost 20 years of being around our children...this mamma's strength is small.

    Some of us are too stubborn to give in and rest on His strength but praise the Lord eventually I follow ;-)

    Bless you and praying for you, your family and precious Molly.
