Sunday, May 8, 2016

My Mother's Day Thanks

Dear Lord,
Today is Mother's Day. I thought it only appropriate to thank you for making me a mother. Eleven years ago, you brought that word "mother" into my life in a very personal way. I remember looking at that test that said positive and thinking my world was about to change. And change it did. Even though I only carried that baby for a short time, I thank you that you allowed me to do so. I know that the heavens sing the songs of all those babies that so many sweet mothers have lost. A full choir of angel babies just waiting to be reunited with their mommies. I have five in the choir. Thank you for the joy and hope I have to see them again. 

Thank you for Samantha. She was the first baby I was able to carry full term. The first baby I was able to hold in my arms. The first baby to call me "Mama". What a gift she is. 

Thank you for my first born, for it's by her I have learned so many mommy lessons. I learned how amazing the body is and how you created birthing a baby in such a way that even though the pain and turmoil is immense, we are willing to do it all again because that first look on their face is the most amazing feeling in the world. 

Thank you that with Samantha, I felt the joy of little arms wrapped around my neck, soft kisses on my cheeks, and  tight hugs when the night seems scary.

With Samantha, you've allowed me to be challenged as a mother. Learning that relying on You on a daily basis is an absolute necessity and blessing. 

Thank you for a little best friend, wrapped in a small framed, beautiful faced, tender hearted girl. 

Thank you for my second born, Molly. 

You gifted me with a most pleasant of babies. She was quiet and easy, truly a gift for a second born. You knew what I needed with a deployment to face and motherhood about to get really real. 

Thank you for teaching me that you never turn your back on a toddler. They are capable of destruction and/or terror in 3.2 seconds. 

Thank you for the gift of learning that children are all different and as a mother, it is a joy to be able to embrace those differences and nurture their individual talents. 

Thank you for allowing me to watch, as Molly's mother, the strength you instill in each child to endure the fiercest of battles. Thank you for not leaving me alone as I parent, but gently taking my hand through the good, bad, and ugly trenches of "mommying".

Thank you for Clara. From the very beginning, being a Mommy to Clara has taught me that miracles still happen and that you have a plan for everything. 

Thank you for reminding me that life is precious and nothing is guaranteed.

Thank you for the lessons of having fun again, laughing, and getting down and dirty aremy favorite part of being a Mom.

Thank you for humbling me by bringing on the tasks of  stomach flus, teaching cursive, and brushing Clara's hair. You are constantly reminding me that I don't have a clue what I am doing and Your strength is made perfect in my utter weakness. 

Thank you making motherhood fun.

                                            Thank you for making Motherhood beautiful.

Thank you for making Motherhood precious. 

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to be a mother. And not only a mother, but one to these three beautiful girls. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said and extremely inspiring to see you so thankful! You are a very powerful person and as your mom I have to say you prove over and over every day what a gift you are and always have been TO ME. :)
