Monday, June 1, 2015

Her last breath

I'm not sure why. That's usually how I start my thoughts when I begin to write. I don't know why I would share such  intimate things. But as I sat here thinking what I was to write, many things popped in my head. Perhaps that is because my mind has not stopped thinking. In fact, I am positive that it goes in hyper-drive at night because even though I have been sleeping like a log, I wake up exhausted, as if I was up all night. 

But God kept pressing upon my heart to share Molly's last moments with us. Perhaps because even though it was a scene I will never forget, it doesn't mean it was all horrible. It played out the way it was supposed to. And I don't regret a moment. 

On Saturday,  we needed to up Molly's pain medication significantly. In doing so, we knew that this meant she would now sleep and not wake. It was very apparent that her time to meet Jesus was close and our only desire was to make her comfortable and peaceful. 

Sunday morning, when we came to her bed, it was apparent that she was not doing well. We spent the morning around her bed. Holding her hand, talking to her, and Samantha even read a book to her. The girls climbed up to snuggle and even though Molly was not responsive I am 100% sure that she felt her sisters with her. 

As the day went on, the girls began to tire out. Sam went upstairs for a while, but Clara was clearly in a high anxiety state. Even when you know death is coming, it's hard to really prepare for an adult. Even more so for a four year old. 

We sent Clara next door to visit some neighbor friends and separate from it all for a bit. However, within 10 minutes, Molly's breathing drastically changed and we knew this was the moment we had known was coming since June 17, 2014. 

It's hard to explain all the emotion packed into one 5 minute span. There was a quick rush to get the girls to Molly's side. Samantha wanted to be there with her and we thought it best to be together one last time and help usher  Molly to heaven. I had prayed so hard and envisioned us at her side for her last breath. I thought for sure, even though I prayed, that it would not happen. Molly has always been stubborn and her own person. I thought that once she decided to let go, she would do it when no one was around. I think she did it for me. For us. 

We watched her take her last breath and cried like we had never cried before. It has been a year of holding our breath just waiting and at that moment, for me, I felt that I could finally let it go. It was done. 

Clara, not fully understanding, got off the bed and got the stethoscope. She wanted to hear for herself that there was no heartbeat. It was a sweet, yet sad thing to watch. But we let her because she needed to do this. 

Once some time had passed and the girls cleared out, Peter and I just looked at our little girl. She looked so incredibly peaceful. So beautiful. More beautiful than she had in a very long time. The funny part was she had this little smirk on her face as if to say, "Ha! I showed cancer." I will never forget it. 

Death, of course, was not the outcome I wished for. When I prayed for healing, I wanted it on earth. But I will say that if death was what was to come, it came in a beautiful way. Together. Peaceful. Home. That's all we wanted. 

I could write so much more. Like where from here? What is the plan? How are the girls? It will come. For now though, I desire to leave with the thought of Molly, flying through the heavens, opening her eyes and seeing the most beautiful home she will ever have. I can actually feel her smile. Big. Wide. Beautiful. 


  1. Beautiful. I truly can't imagine....praying for your dear family!!

  2. Thank you for sharing that. I'm still praying for your family.

  3. Thank you for sharing your journey--God has given you a tremendous gift of writing and putting things into words to help others going through similar heartaches. I pray that the Lord will give you grace and comfort in the upcoming days, seasons, and years ahead.

  4. Thank you for sharing this..After praying and keeping up with Molly and your family, it brought closure to my heart. Molly is so blessed that God gave her such a God loving family. I have been a nurse for 40 yrs, and have seen many die alone, or anger/dysfunction at the bedside, etc..I know God will continue to carry you as He has so faithfully done these last 11 months...God Bless you, Julie....

  5. Thank you for sharing you beautiful journey with us. It has been a long and yet painful journey but its takes very strong individuals to be as courageous as you have all been. I'm so glad all of you were there as she took her last breath, it is something you can all remember and share as a family. Rest assured she is painfree and playing like she has never played before and with family members who passed before her. Don't think of it as an end for her but as a new beginning. God Bless you all!

  6. Thanks for sharing your story. We recently lost our son, and I can relate to much of what you wrote here. I also wrote out our last moments with our son, and it was incredible hard... But I'm so glad I did it. You can see it here if you're interested-

  7. Molly was so lucky to have this family just as you were lucky to have her in your earthly journey. I believe the reason you shared Molly's last breath is maybe someone reading has just gone though this or will going this difficult part of life and death. You may or may not ever know who it is that needed this message at his time but the someone who needed to read this will be thankful that you took the time to share and help them though a difficult time. When my younger brother died it became hard for me to enjoy a nice sunny day or clear starry night because he was no longer here to enjoy those days. Until a friend told me, I had it all wrong, that he was now apart of those awesome days an starry nights too. So now I cherish all the days and nights with my loved ones both in the physical world and those who passed before me. Molly's soul is in heaven but she left her <3 it you all Blessed be

  8. Thank you for opening up your hearts and for sharing Molly's life with us. God reward you for His glory.

  9. Thank you for sharing. Molly and all of you are very special. Continued thoughts and prayers. xo

  10. Thank you so much for sharing this, and all of it, with us. ♡
