Thursday, January 5, 2017

Hot or Cold?

I have lived in the South since 2007 and the one thing I have never understood was the love for sweet tea. I feel like I am risking life and limb here by even admitting this publicly, but I just don't comprehend why people make such a big deal about it. To base your restaurant choice off of how good their sweet tea is sounds incredibly foreign to me, but it most certainly happens. I don't even like the taste. (You may now cast your stones.)
I came from New York where it's cold about 7-8 months of the year. You're laughing, but I am most certainly serious. I am pretty sure babies from the womb are drinking hot tea or hot coffee.You would think that I would at least like hot tea. Nope. Not for me.
Hot or cold, I guess tea is just not my thing.
As a mom, you really don't tend to get hot or cold drinks. Busy with tending to other's needs, your hot tea cools down or your sweet tea warms up. Everything always ends up lukewarm. Even though I don't care for the stuff, I know well enough that this is a real bummer when you can't enjoy your beverage at the correct temperature.
In the book of Revelations, Jesus likens the church of Laodicea to this lukewarm temperature.

"I know thy works, that though art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot."

How often have I gotten caught up in the busyness of life or the glit and glamour of the world around me and forget about the task at hand.
 Today was a perfect example.
 I totally dropped the ball on life. There was no glit or glam in this house, but there was plenty of distraction mixed with a tinge of crazy and a whole lot of beastliness. Finances were on my mind, since my husband is deployed it's in my hands to make sure we don't end up on the streets. So far, I have succeeded! I kept thinking about big projects on the house that need to be done, verses what I really wanted done. (Do we really need a new heating unit for $5000 when I could paint the whole downstairs for half that much? I mean, I can wrap up in my Snuggie, but I can't poke my eyes out to stop looking at these ugly walls. FYI: We bought a foreclosure so that equals lots of work.)
 We, of course, can not forget about school. The daily grind, constant correction, list of goals to achieve in the curriculum for the day. It is endless.
I totally missed the mark. I was neither hot nor cold. I was walking around in a haze, trying to accomplish "life" and really getting nothing done. When my zombie-like trance was broken by the shrieks of little girls fighting or just being silly, I would lose it.
There are days that I am just with it. God and I had a chat in the early hours. He reminded me once again about how amazing He is and what He wants to do in my heart. We keep our chats throughout the day and I feel so ready to tackle everything that is before me because I remember Who is with me.
But everyday is just not like this.
On the days that I'm simply lukewarm and coasting, I'm utterly miserable. I indeed make everyone around me feel the same way as well. Sigh... all I can say is thank God for new mercies.
The absolute wonderful part of this sad story is that it is 8 p.m. That means in 4 hours I get another chance. I can add some ice to keep my cool for the day ahead, or I can heat up to boiling and remember what God has already done in my life. First and foremost, He saved me! If that doesn't get your body pumping, I don't know what will.
We all have spells that are dry, or lukewarm. The difference between days and months or years, though, is monumental. We can't let ourselves climb into this tepid bath and just sit. Reevaluate and move on. That's what I am doing. I will shut my laptop, sink into bed, dream about who knows what, and then start afresh tomorrow.

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