Sunday, December 28, 2014


"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him..."

Heartbroken doesn't really quite cut it when trying to describe our hearts some days. More like ripped out, stomped on, and thrown off a cliff. Have I gotten your attention with that one? Watching this thing unfold before our eyes is so difficult. The average person would not be able to understand all that this entails. But today, I was reminded about Job. 

Here is a man who lost EVERYTHING. His home. His possessions. His ten children. And eventually his health. What he had left was a wife who was telling him to curse God and die and friends who were accusing him of sin he did not commit. And yet, he was able to say the words above. 

Despite his tragic and desperate position, He still knew his place. He knew where he came from. He knew who put him there and gave him all his things. 

"...Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

I know that at times I forget these things. When I look around, I realize I did not earn a single thing I have. My husband, children, possessions, health... all given by God. 

So if He chooses, for whatever reason, to take them from me, I will still trust in Him. 

I've trusted him through so much more in the past. 
Moving across the world to a foreign country. Losing five babies in less than two years. Multiple surgeries. Small paychecks, (thanks US military ;). Sick babies. Broken cars. Deployments. And more. 

So once again, I stand here with this thing that truly is slaying me on a daily basis. And I am reminded of Job. A man who's perspective was right. He continued trusting.

And just for the record, God blessed Job 10 fold. He went on to have more children, a new home, plenty of riches. But more important, I know that he grew closer to His Father. He learned wisdom, faith, and trust. 

"But he knoweth the way that I take: and when he hath tried (tested) me, I shall come forth as gold."

His very own words spoke of what He had learned. 


  1. Julie,

    Bless you for being an encouragment in the midst of such a heart breaking time. Praying for you all. Love you.

  2. Hi Julie

    I don't know you. I have been reading your blogs.

    I cannot imagine what you are going through, but yet you inspire so many people like me. Blessed we are to read what you write. You are an epitome of goodness. It is easy to shun the world and be in dark and depressed with odds around, but you truly show how to "be" inspite of the odds.

    I have no words for you, I pray for you and your family.

    Love from India.
