Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Top Ten Cancer Blessings

So it may seem odd that I would even consider making such a list, but I have a reason behind this. In a world filled with negativity and living in circumstances that would seem justified to complain, I refuse to do so. Not only do I want my girls to see good in everything, I don't want to live in a dark place. Obviously we have our moments, but overall, I can't help but see all the good that has come to us since Molly's diagnosis. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are ten things we are thankful for due to Molly's diagnosis:

10. Firsts...We have experienced more firsts in five months than I think in five years. First time jumping in the leaves, petting a dolphin, riding in a taxi, sitting on Santa's lap...

9. Traveling... We have done so many planes, trains, and automobiles...and we have been able to see so much during those times!

8. New friends...We would never have met so many new and wonderful people if Molly was not diagnosed. Young and old and everywhere between, we've cherished them all.

7. First family vacation... We have never gone away, just as a family, not visiting family before. But through Molly's dream and the help of Children's Dream Fund and Give Kids the World, we were able to do so.

6. Learning to enjoy the little things... this has always been hard for me. I constantly want to go and check the next thing off my list. But now, I fully enjoy full pj days, long games of Monopoly, and silly face contests, just because.

5. Appreciating strength... this one is the hardest to express. But I no longer say, " They can't...I can't."  Now that I have seen what Molly, her sisters, and others have gone through, nothing surprises me. Molly is an amazing girl with the strength of a super hero. She has endured so much and yet still smiles.

4. Smiles: Speaking of smiles, I just simply love them.

3. Generosity: We have had more people than I could ever count step up and give, give, give. We've received cards, gifts, money, meals, clothes, rides, and so much more. If Molly was never diagnosed, I don't think we would ever understand how truly generous people can be.

2. My mindset has changed:  Never again will we see things the same. God has given us the ability to learn from this. Compassion, empathy, grace, love...all things I think we possess more of now. I am not so quick to judge and my patience is so much more now.

1. Who God is: Without such a trial, we would never see the wonders of God. He's long suffering, kind, ever present, loving, and near. Without the last 5 months, we would not know Him as we do now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Julie,

    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful post. Truly you bless my heart so very much. Thank you for opening up your life. We are so blessed by your precious family. The Little family is in our thoughts and prayers.
